If The Shoe Doesn’t Fit, Go Shopping!!

That’s exactly what I did after work today, go shopping. Shoe shopping to be exact.

I was on my lunch break this morning when one of my sandals decided to break. I’ve had them for almost a year and got lots of use out of them so I can’t complain. However, after my sandal broke, it’s a miracle I made it through the rest of the work day without breaking anythings else, like bones. Once my lunch break ended, I slowly made my way back to my classroom. Walking was tricky, and I adopted a limping sort of gait. I started forward with my right foot( which wore the good sandal). then slid my left foot( which wore the broken sandal) forward. That worked well until I left the staff lounge( which is situated inside the cafeteria), and had to walk on concrete, which wasn’t conducive to sliding my left foot. I had to carefully pick up and put down my left foot, which was easier said than done. Several times as I lifted my foot, the front of the sandal would bend under my foot , causing me to trip. It’s a wonder I didn’t fall at some point!  I made it back to the classroom in one piece, and continued on with the rest of my day while garnering looks and giggles from my coworkers.  It was kind of funny after all.

After I was done for the day, the REAL work began. I had to get new sandals, and get them quick. I tried Marshall’s and Ross to no avail. I then decided to continue with my original plan and go to the mall for one-stop shopping( I also had to get a new chain for my Star of David. Don’t ask).  I got a new chain and continued on my quest for sandals. after trying Sears, I went to the Payless Shoes in the mall and struck gold, rather, I struck purple. I found the same exact sandals I already had but in a funky , glittery purple. As soon as I saw them, I knew I had to have them. The only thing was, the shoes were a girl’s size 4. They didn’t have the purple in adult sizes ( I wear a 5),so I tried on the size 4’s and cha-ching, they fit!!  The saleswoman was nice enough to throw out my old sandals, and I walked out of the mall in my brand-spanking new purple sandals.

So , ladies, the moral of the story is this:  If the shoe doesn’t fit, go shopping!!!


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